CS/SE 7301.007 - Software Analysis & Security

Fall 2021

Course Information

Location: MS Teams
Time: Tuesday & Thursday 11:30AM - 12:45PM
Instructor: Wei Yang
Email: [email protected]
Office: ECSS 4.225
Office Hours: By Appointment
Email: N/A
Office: TBD
Office Hours: TBD

Course Style

This course is taught in a seminar-course style. Each student will be expected to:


We do not have textbooks but you can refering to following books for background knowledge.
Static Program Analysis
The Fuzzing Book
The Debugging Book
Computer Security and the Internet: Tools and Jewels
The Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data (using UTD email to access)
Security in Computing (using UTD email to access)
Dive into Deep Learning
Building Intelligent Systems: A Guide to Machine Learning Engineering (using UTD email to access)
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (using UTD email to access)

Course Project Topic and Grading Policy

Topic: Propose your own projects (Feel free to talk to the instructor about the proposed topic). A list of topics will be provided in the class.
Grading Policy:

Schedule and Lecture Slides

Week Dates Topic
1.1 Aug. 24th Course Overview [Slides]
1.2 Aug. 26th Sample Presentation (1) [Slides]
2.1 Aug. 31st Sample Presentation (2) [Slides]
2.2 Sept. 2nd Project Topics[Slides]
3.1 Sept. 7th Mobile Security (1) [Video] [Slides1] [Slides2]
3.2 Sept. 9th Mobile Security (2) [Video] [Slides1] [Slides2]
4.1 Sept. 14th Mobile Security (3) [Video] [Slides]
4.2 Sept. 16th Fuzzing (1) [Video] [Slides]
5.1 Sept. 21st Fuzzing (2) [Video] [Slides]
5.2 Sept. 23rd Fuzzing (3) [Slides]